Block Art, MindMap block, Slotfills, Patterns and more – Weekend Edition #236

[ad_1] Howdy, I am so excited about next week! Finally, there will be another Six-a-side Festival at the Sarasota International Cricket Club. I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. I am excited to see all the friends again, most I haven’t seen in three years. If you are in the area, come on by. It’s a … Read more

Layouts and Wide Alignments in WordPress: Then, Now, and Upcoming Changes

[ad_1] For most of WordPress’ history, the platform accepted a single layout width, defined by the active theme’s global $content_width variable. Theme authors were required to handle the CSS for it and any other sizes they wanted on output. When WordPress 5.0 launched the block editor, it introduced the concept of wide and full alignments … Read more

Designing Style Variations for Twenty Twenty-Three: The Good, the Bad, and Everything Else

[ad_1] Since the release of Twenty Ten, the WordPress community has gotten a new default theme almost every year. This has allowed the platform to amass a well-designed and solid body of work. However, we needed to mix things up a bit, to make theme development exciting again. The next default theme, Twenty Twenty-Three, will … Read more

Block-Based Template Parts: A Happy Medium Between Classic and Block Themes

[ad_1] I was one of the early adopters of the block editor as a developer. Despite the flak that the WordPress Planetplugin was catching before it was merged into core WordPress, I could see the potential. Yes, I could see the bugs, the inconsistent UI, and every other thing that was “wrong” about it around … Read more

Building a Block-Based Header Template in a Classic Theme

[ad_1] WordPress 6.1 will allow classic theme authors to begin using block-based template parts. It is one of the most exciting features of the release and one that has long been on my personal wish-list. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing a deep dive into this new feature, wondering how it could … Read more

Content-only editing for patterns, Learn to use Data Layer in WordPress and more – Weekend Edition 231

[ad_1] Howdy, Thank you for the check-ins after Hurricane Ian aimed for Southwest Florida, and made landfall on Wednesday. Some areas of Florida experienced major destruction, via the storm surge and flash floods. My husband and I were lucky. We have no damage to our house, and we were only without power and internet for … Read more

Extending Query Blocks, 160 Block Themes, new tickets for WordCamp Asia, WordPress 6.1 RC 1 and so much more – Weekend Edition 233

[ad_1] Howdy, You probably heard that WordPress 6.1 Release candidate was released. I am so excited about this ginormous release. Take a look at the WordPress 6.1 Fieldguide! There are a ton of posts for developers to check out, be it about performance, accessibility, REST API, database or the block editor. Now it is definitely … Read more

Interactive Fiction tool, Introduction course for Block Development, WP Awards, Gutenberg 14.4 and so much more – Weekend Edition #234

[ad_1] Howdy, Did you miss your weekly WordPress Planetfix? I had some great days off, no traveling, no projects, just my books, my house and hanging out with my husband. It was nice and quiet for a chance. So, well rested, I am here to accompany you into the last week of the WordPress 6.1 … Read more

A Walk-Through of Layout Classes in WordPress 6.1

[ad_1] WordPress 6.1 introduced several necessary changes to its layout framework. Namely, core has now centralized its layout definitions, created semantic class names, and reduced code duplication on container blocks. Originally, this post was intended to be a quick look at the changes to the system for theme authors. However, given the heftiness of the … Read more

Layout Styles, Query Loop, Site Editor and WordPress 6.1- Weekend Edition #235

[ad_1] Howdy, Today, you find additional information about contributors, known issues and new features of WordPress 6.1 below. Furthermore, plenty of educational posts, videos and first-person explorations into Block Themes. The team around Learn.WordPress scheduled a heap of awesome events on Meetup and a new free course. Find also new plugins, themes and so much … Read more