Course: WordPress Theme Development (Core Concepts)

[ad_1] Welcome! WordPress themes are one of the most important topics that one must understand to be good at WordPress development. Themes underlie the entire visual half of WordPress sites, but often grow to do even more. Because of the visual importance, they’re a great place to dive in if you’re interested in getting to … Read more

Learn WordPress Development: The Basic Course

[ad_1] So You Want to Learn WordPress Development WordPress development is a hugely useful skill, but it’s also tricky to learn—especially if you learn things out-of-order and try to tackle advanced topics while remaining confused on the fundamentals. This free WordPress development course is designed to get you familiar with the basics of how WordPress … Read more

PHP for Beginners: Starting on Backend WordPress Development

[ad_1] WordPress, the content management system the internet loves. You can use it for years without needing to tackle PHP, but eventually you’re finding yourself needing it. You go to Bing and search “php for beginners” and you find yourself here. The journey to learn PHP for WordPress development is long, but let’s start! We’ll … Read more

Interactive Fiction tool, Introduction course for Block Development, WP Awards, Gutenberg 14.4 and so much more – Weekend Edition #234

[ad_1] Howdy, Did you miss your weekly WordPress Planetfix? I had some great days off, no traveling, no projects, just my books, my house and hanging out with my husband. It was nice and quiet for a chance. So, well rested, I am here to accompany you into the last week of the WordPress 6.1 … Read more