Block Art, MindMap block, Slotfills, Patterns and more – Weekend Edition #236

[ad_1] Howdy, I am so excited about next week! Finally, there will be another Six-a-side Festival at the Sarasota International Cricket Club. I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. I am excited to see all the friends again, most I haven’t seen in three years. If you are in the area, come on by. It’s a … Read more

Typography for all blocks, Refined Template editing, context patterns – Weekend Edition 227

[ad_1] Howdy, I am finally home in Sarasota, Florida with just enough time to do laundry, get over the jetlag and clear the backlog of messages after being away from the computer for three weeks. Next week, I’ll be gone again to San Diego and WordCamp US (WCUS). I am so excited to see lots … Read more

Content-only editing for patterns, Learn to use Data Layer in WordPress and more – Weekend Edition 231

[ad_1] Howdy, Thank you for the check-ins after Hurricane Ian aimed for Southwest Florida, and made landfall on Wednesday. Some areas of Florida experienced major destruction, via the storm surge and flash floods. My husband and I were lucky. We have no damage to our house, and we were only without power and internet for … Read more