Understanding CSRF Attacks and Locking Down CSRF Vulnerabilities

[ad_1] Web vulnerabilities are rampant and constantly increasing. Maintaining the security and privacy of your users is more important than ever. Not addressing web vulnerabilities can lead to a ruined reputation and hefty fines from regulators, and you’ll also lose your users’ trust. Websites and web applications are vulnerable to malware, spam, and other attacks — … Read more

The Best Firebase Alternatives (7 Options)

[ad_1] Firebase is often the first platform that comes to mind for developing mobile and web applications without extensive coding. However, while it offers many useful features, Firebase isn’t open source. This means that you have little control over your application development. Fortunately, there are excellent Firebase alternatives that offer more customization and control. For instance, … Read more

How To Create a MongoDB Database: 6 Critical Aspects To Know

[ad_1] Based on your requirements for your software, you might prioritize flexibility, scalability, performance, or speed. Hence, developers and businesses are often confused while picking a database for their needs. If you need a database that provides high flexibility and scalability, and data aggregation for customer analytics, MongoDB may be the right fit for you! … Read more