Block Art, MindMap block, Slotfills, Patterns and more – Weekend Edition #236

[ad_1] Howdy, I am so excited about next week! Finally, there will be another Six-a-side Festival at the Sarasota International Cricket Club. I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday. I am excited to see all the friends again, most I haven’t seen in three years. If you are in the area, come on by. It’s a … Read more

Interactive Fiction tool, Introduction course for Block Development, WP Awards, Gutenberg 14.4 and so much more – Weekend Edition #234

[ad_1] Howdy, Did you miss your weekly WordPress Planetfix? I had some great days off, no traveling, no projects, just my books, my house and hanging out with my husband. It was nice and quiet for a chance. So, well rested, I am here to accompany you into the last week of the WordPress 6.1 … Read more

Layout Styles, Query Loop, Site Editor and WordPress 6.1- Weekend Edition #235

[ad_1] Howdy, Today, you find additional information about contributors, known issues and new features of WordPress 6.1 below. Furthermore, plenty of educational posts, videos and first-person explorations into Block Themes. The team around Learn.WordPress scheduled a heap of awesome events on Meetup and a new free course. Find also new plugins, themes and so much … Read more