Typography for all blocks, Refined Template editing, context patterns – Weekend Edition 227

[ad_1] Howdy, I am finally home in Sarasota, Florida with just enough time to do laundry, get over the jetlag and clear the backlog of messages after being away from the computer for three weeks. Next week, I’ll be gone again to San Diego and WordCamp US (WCUS). I am so excited to see lots … Read more

Style Variations in Theme Directory (Beta), first Devnotes for WordPress 6.1, eCommerce blocks by EDD and Woo – Weekend Edition #232

[ad_1] Howdy, Next week is release week, with Release Candidate 1 (RC1) for WordPress 6.1 scheduled for Tuesday, and WordPress Planet14.3 stable scheduled for Wednesday. RC1 is the time when developers also published their Dev Notes for the Fieldguide, that covers all the changes, fixes, and features coming to a WordPress instance near you soon. … Read more

Extending Query Blocks, 160 Block Themes, new tickets for WordCamp Asia, WordPress 6.1 RC 1 and so much more – Weekend Edition 233

[ad_1] Howdy, You probably heard that WordPress 6.1 Release candidate was released. I am so excited about this ginormous release. Take a look at the WordPress 6.1 Fieldguide! There are a ton of posts for developers to check out, be it about performance, accessibility, REST API, database or the block editor. Now it is definitely … Read more