Gutenberg 14.1, Classic themes using Block Template parts, and Future of contributing to WordPress – Weekend Edition 229



Recovering from WordCamp US has had its challenges for me. I am exhausted from the traveling, from talking to almost 100 people in person, from learning tons in talks and then from catching up with family and work afterwards. It was all worth it, of course. It was exhilarating to meet so many friends again after two years, and to make new ones to geek out about WordPress for four days. I am invigorated from the experience, ready to dive into the upcoming release work.

Thursday, I recorded the WordPress PlanetChangelog episode with the delightful and brilliant Channing Ritter from the WordPress design team. We discuss all the good stuff that’s coming in with WordPress Planet14.1, WordPress 6.1 and the default theme.

Let’s get going on all the cool things…

Have a fantastic weekend!

Yours, 💕

Developing WordPress and Gutenberg

A week before Beta 1, the release team held a Product walk-through and discussed what might or might not make it into the release. You can watch the recording and read the transcript via the 6.1 Product Walk-Through Recap post on the Make blog.

Sarah Gooding of WPTavern published her take on it: WordPress 6.1 Product Walkthrough Video Now Available.

Dave Smith and Anne McCarthy discussed WordPress 6.1 Top 5 Editor Features on video. Watch them dive into theme style variations, improved design tools, expanded template editing, fluid typography and start patterns for custom post types.

Justin Tadlock announced in his post Full-Width Blocks and Root Padding in WordPress 6.1 how a glitch in theme.json for classic theme has been fixed. “Just under a year ago, a root padding solution was introduced for block themes. This allowed designers to add padding values to their theme.json files and users to adjust it via the Styles panel in the site editor. However, there was one catch. There was no built-in way to allow full-width blocks to stretch beyond any horizontal padding and reach the edge of the screen. It was the bane of many theme author’s existence. Sure, they could write custom CSS solutions to address the problem, but that didn’t solve cases where end-users customized things. Eventually, this issue was fixed in Gutenberg 13.8 and will land in WordPress 6.1.”

Contributors have been working on a Distraction-Free version of the editor for the power writers. Sarah Gooding gave it a whirl and reports on the insights: WordPress PlanetContributors Make Progress on Distraction Free Mode

At WordCamp US, many people had conversations about contributing to WordPress open-source project, Five for the Future and how new contributors can get started. If you want to learn more: Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Abha Thakor and Davinder Singh Kainth, will discuss What is the Future of Contributing to WP? on October 3, 2022, at 1pm EDT / 5 pm UTC. It’s definitely on my calendar.

Anne McCarthy published the 3rd edition of So you want to talk about FSE? It’s a compendium of non-release specific resources, McCarthy finds herself sharing over and over again with community members around the features of Full-Site editing.

This one-page list will get you caught up with the current stage of full-site editing, from a recommendation around the discussion looking for a new name, to newest features. You can also read up on the most common feedback, she collected from the various calls for testing. Personally, I will use McCarthy’s suggestions on how to structure my presentation on What’s next for WordPress 6.1.

WordPress Planet14.1

WordPress Planet14.1 was released this week. It’s the last WordPress Planetplugin release before the feature freeze with Beta 1 of WordPress 6.1 that is scheduled of September 20, 2022. 59 contributors, 7 of which were new, merged 348 PRs for this release. Many PRs came from the effort to make all blocks have consistently all the design tools, like Color, Typography, Dimension design tools.

Plugin Release lead, Carlos Bravo, shared some highlights in his post What’s new in WordPress Planet14.1? (15 September)

I am thrilled that Channing Ritter joined me on this week’s recording of the next WordPress PlanetChangelog episode (73) We discussed the default theme, WordPress 6.1 and of course, picked PRs from the vast number of PRs in WordPress Planet14.1. The episode will land in your favorite podcast app over the weekend.

Channing Ritter and Birgit Pauli-Haack on a Zoom call recording the next episode of the  WordPress PlanetChangelog podcast.
Channing Ritter and Birgit Pauli-Haack having fun recording

🎙️ New episode: WordPress PlanetChangelog #75 – WordPress Planet14.4, Upcoming WordPress 6.1 Release, What’s Next for 6.2 with special guest, Anne McCarthy, and host Birgit Pauli-Haack

With the newest WordPress Planetplugin release, Anne McCarthy published a new call for testing:Testing and Feedback for using block based template parts in classic themes. She wrote: “Gutenberg 14.1 enabled the ability to use block template parts without adopting everything that comes with block templates. You can allow a user to edit and build a header with blocks without exposing them to the entire block template system. This offers a new gradual adoption pathway for folks with classic or hybrid themes and new ways to explore full site editing features for agencies that need testing and feedback ahead of WordPress 6.1’s release on November 1st.”

Sarah Gooding also reports on the new features in WordPress Planet14.1 plugin: WordPress Planet14.1 Improves Navigation Block, Adds Experimental Zoomed-Out View

Theme Development for Full Site Editing and Blocks

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2022” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in WordPress Planetdevelopment: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

FSE Program Testing Call #17: Guiding the WordPress PlanetGallery also came out this week, with instructions to explore theme switching workflows from classic theme to a block theme with expanded editing capabilities. If you heed the call for testing, you are also instructed to test the new feature to switch out headers and footers using the context-sensitive template part feature and explore creating category-specific templates.

This test is an interesting way to get a head-start learning about many of the new features soon coming to a WordPress instance near you. If you share your feedback on the post, you will also help to make WordPress a better software for millions of people. Talking about a single high-impact contribution!

Jacob Martella a series of Creating a WordPress Block Theme on his YouTube Channel.

In the next part Martella will cover creating templates, specifically the page template, post template and a 404 template.

Building Blocks and Tools for the Block editor.

Ryan Welcher was the guest in this “In the Loop” podcast episode All-In on Gutenberg. In this interview, Cory Hughart of Blackbird Digital, and Welcher focused on the concerns from their last episode “We Like Gutenberg, We Swear!”. They covered among other things, how to write to post meta with custom blocks, scaffolding with the @wordpress/create-block package, the convenience of ACF fields, and more.

A new tutorial is available on Learn.WordPress: Styling your WordPress Blocks with Jonathan Bossenger. “This tutorial will guide the new block developer on the process of styling the Edit component and the save function of a newly created WordPress block.”

Bill Erickson published a tutorial to how you how to build ACF blocks with block.json and also how this compares to the old method registering blocks with ACF.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s master branch?
WordPress PlanetTimes provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Plugins, Themes, and Tools for #nocode site builders and owners

Last week, I wrote about the new plugin by Aaron Edwards that connects your editor with an Image AI service to create unique graphics with a text prompt. This week, I can report that it landed in the WordPress plugin repo: Imajinn – Magical AI Image Generation like DALL·E 2.

The team of Imajinn uses a customized version of the recently released Stable Diffusion on their servers. The plugin provides the bridge to the 3rd party server and the interface to send text prompt, settings and also retrieve the selection of images. At the top of the screen you also see the number of credits available.

If you’d like to look at code or contribute check out the GitHub repo of imajinn-ai.

In his post Shop Landing Page with WooCommerce Blocks, Damon Cook walks you through all the necessary stages of creating your front page of an ecommerce store. Learn how to create hero image, patterns, and more.

In Full-Site Editing Doesn’t Seem So Full. Yet. Jeff Chandler tells the tale of his learned lessons, and what and what is not yet working with the Site editor. “I understand that making little changes like the ones described above are not mission-critical to a site but not being able to do them leaves me a bit disappointed in my first dive into Full-Site Editing.” Chandler wrote.

After releasing the block theme, Bjork, Anders Noren two weeks later released a minimalistic theme for bloggers called Beaumont, named after the Stephen King character Thaddeus Beaumont from The Dark Half. Noren wrote in
Introducing Beaumont: “Beaumont is designed for personal sites and blogs, with a special emphasis on longform content. The geometric sans serif typeface Albert Sans (also used in Björk) packs a punch in headings and other elements, and the post content is set in the highly readable serif typeface STIX Two Text.” You can see a demo of the theme Beaumont.

Learn WordPress Online Meetups

September 19, 2022 – 5 pm EDT / 21:00 UTC
Uncovering the Cover Block with Wes Theron

September 20, 2022 – 3 pm EDT / 19:00 UTC
Let’s Build a Custom Block in One Hour with Nick Diego

September 23, 2022 3 am EDT / 7:00 UTC
Block & Theme Global Styles Customization with Destiny Kanno

Featured Image: Created with Imajinn-AI plugin: prompt: Rail Road track in the forest going left to right with lumber piles on the site. Style Airbrush.

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