Kinsta Review 2022: The Best Managed WordPress Hosting (Learn Why)

[ad_1] If you’re searching for the best managed WordPress hosting, Kinsta is probably a name you’ve come across. There’s a reason for that – Kinsta is one of, if not the, best managed WordPress hosts in 2021. The objective data backs that up, with Kinsta consistently leading the pack in data from review aggregators and … Read more

How To Fix WooCommerce Performance Issues Using Kinsta APM (Real-World Examples)

[ad_1] Knowing how to fix WooCommerce performance issues is key to your online business’ success. The snappier your ecommerce site is to your users, the better their online shopping experience. And the better their user experience, the more likely they are to place an order. All in all, this translates to more sales and profits. … Read more

Migrate To Kinsta and Get a Free 20% Speed Boost — Backed By Stats

[ad_1] Everyone loves visiting a fast website! Having a fast site also helps boost your search engine rankings, crawlability, conversion rates, and time spent on the page. Furthermore, it also decreases your bounce rate. At Kinsta, we’re obsessed with speed! Unsurprisingly, many website owners and web agencies upgrade their websites by migrating to Kinsta. If … Read more

A New Era Has Begun: Kinsta Is the Cloud Platform for the Modern Developer

[ad_1] With its growing market share, WordPress has been — and continues to be — the most popular CMS to create, manage, and develop websites. Still, WordPress represents just a fraction of development done on the web. What about all the developers who aren’t using WordPress? They also create, run, and manage web applications for … Read more