Understanding CSRF Attacks and Locking Down CSRF Vulnerabilities

[ad_1] Web vulnerabilities are rampant and constantly increasing. Maintaining the security and privacy of your users is more important than ever. Not addressing web vulnerabilities can lead to a ruined reputation and hefty fines from regulators, and you’ll also lose your users’ trust. Websites and web applications are vulnerable to malware, spam, and other attacks — … Read more

Russian Hacktivist Group Targets Political Websites with DDOS Attacks

[ad_1] A Russian hacktivist group calling itself “The People’s Cyberarmy” called on its members to target the American Democratic party website at https://democrats.org with DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks this morning, November 8th, 2022, which is Election Day in the United States. A post in their Telegram channel, “CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn”, which has more than 7,000 … Read more